I’m upgrading a database from 2009 to 2016. In that process I first convert the database to 2013 format so I can export and import fob files in 2016 (which isn’t possible directly from 2009). When converting the database I get a login error in the middle of the process: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment […]
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RSS feed for this sectionLog your changes
From time to time we get into the situation where we need to run a batch report to update data in NAV. It’s always nice to log changes and there’s an easy way to do it by calling the standard Change Log functionality. This example blocks all Norwegian customers and writes the changes to the […]
Find the function code
Did you know that since NAV2013 you can press F9 in the list of functions and the C/AL Editor will position on that function and nNot on the trigger code of the field in the field list as before. I didn’t know that…. Now we both know 🙂
Fixing the logo size
When you’re working with images in RDLC reports you often need to create images in a fixed size that matches the image box in you report definition. One of Clausl’s many great reporting blog posts is about a workaround to prevent unexpected lines on the image border. Clausl use the freeware Paint.NET which can be […]
Faster Vendor Invoice entry
My #1 tip for a faster Vendor Invoice entry is to use standard purchases codes and to add this code in table 38: Vendor Invoice No. – OnValidate() UpdateInwardHeader; //>>New code StdVendPurchCode.SETRANGE(“Vendor No.”, “Buy-from Vendor No.”); IF NOT StdVendPurchCode.ISEMPTY THEN StdVendPurchCode.InsertPurchLines(Rec); //
Missing icons in Tablet Client
Did you start the Tablet Client and wonder why these two icons didn’t show up? If so You are probably missing a MIME-type on you web server. Open the IIS Manager and select your NAV Web Site. Then double click MIME-types and search for “.woff”. If you can’t find it then right click, choose […]
Updating data in multple companies using TSQL
Updating data in many companies can be very time consuming. To do this I often use TSQL code which loops the company table and does what I want to do in each company. Please observe that what you do with this is totally on you own risk. Updating through SQL does not trigger validation code […]
Speeding up Step 2 in NAV upgrades
When upgrading NAV time is often a critical factor. especially when the database is big, has many companies and users. Running the data conversion can take several hours or days and meanwhile the business stands still. One change in version 2013 from previous versions is that User ID includes the domain name. This means that […]
Bye bye Ansi2Ascii (and welcome unicode)
Until NAV2013 I think I’ve used ANSI/ASCII conversion in pretty much every project, and Unicode has been a no-no. From NAV2013 we can use .Net to take care of conversions. In this example I support DOS-PC8, Codepage 1252 and UTF-8 when importing a textfile. The format is specified using an option field in a setup […]
Changes in MPN ERP Competency Requirements
Microsoft has significantly changed the requirements for ERP Silver/Gold. “Effective August 15, 2014, Partners gaining their MPN ERP Competency through the sales of Dynamics GP, Dynamics NAV, Dynamics SL, Dynamics RMS, or Dynamics C5 no longer are required to pass certification exams. This includes pre-sales and sales assessments as well as implementation methodology and technical […]